How has technology shaped your life? Interviews


Interview 1: Morgan

1. What does Biotechnology means to you?

      -Biotechnology to me means that we use living organisms to help create products such as food, medicine, etc to help humans survive.

2. Are you in favor of further industrial research in this field?

     -Yes, I am in favor of further industrial research in this field. Continuing to research will allow advancement in our society.

3. What is one reason for your stance on this issue?

     -Creating new cures, ideas, and systems is always something that will continue to be beneficial to society now and for thousands of years to come. Everything isn’t perfect and having opportunities to explore is a great thing.

4. What is your academic major?

        -Chemical Engineering


Interview 2: Courtney

1. What does Biotechnology means to you?

      -I am not too sure of what that is. But if I were to guess, I would say that it has to do with something life and technology?

Me: My technology book defines biotechnology as the manipulation of biological organisms to make products benefiting human beings.

2. Are you in favor of further industrial research in this field?

     -Yes, I am in favor of further industrial research in this field. After learning what biotechnology is, I believe that making products that will help humans get better is a great investment.

3. What is one reason for your stance on this issue?

       -For example, looking for new ways or creating medicines that will help cure all cancers and even HIV/AIDS is a major issue and could use more funding for research.

4. What is your academic major?


About Yssis Trosper

Hi! I'm Yssis. "Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." -Steve Jobs

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